A simple exercise to put into practice what you have learned in these months. Each Positioning Question will help you to figure out if the videogame you are developing has a bright future or you are just wasting money and time on a game that no one will play. The following questions are simple but […]
To create a top-grossing videogame you need to find an enemy
Note: This is the fifth post in a series. If you’re new, start with the intro post. “Solving the problem for your target audience” is the mantra proposed in all Product Management schools. But is it the correct approach? You don’t need to solve a problem, you need to find an enemy A couple of years […]
How to overthrow the leader and increase your revenues
Note: This is the fourth post in a series. If you’re new, start with the intro post. A co-leader is the videogame with the second-highest market share. I am not talking about number of players or downloads, but about sales and turnover. In 2018 Fortnite was the first Battle Royale game with a turnover of 2.3 […]
Being a better game seldom tops being first
Note: This is the third post in a series. If you’re new, start with the intro post. If a videogame creates a new category then it’s likely to become the undisputed leader. But being first does not automatically mean your game will become the leader. It only gives you the license to do so. What’s important […]
How to make a billion dollar game
Note: This is the second post in a series. If you’re new, start with the intro post. A new genre of videogames is like a new species. A new species does not evolve from existing species but arises from their divergence. To explain this concept Al Ries proposes the example of the lion: “New species […]
Videogames’ Marketing is a battle of categories
The most difficult job in marketing, but also the most rewarding, is creating a new category. The dictionary defines the term “category” as: “the division that is obtained by ordering or classifying according to various criteria”. If you classify a videogame according to its gameplay mechanic, the term category is called “genre”. For example, point-and-click […]