Before you get your hands dirty developing a videogame, the first thing should be thinking about how your game will pre-empt a position in the player’s mind. The development of a videogame does not start from the creation of game mechanics. Game mechanics are important, but the game design should start from a little bit […]
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How to hack the player’s mind and sell more copies of your game
Is it possible to hack the player’s mind and persuade him to buy or download your game? Players are people like everyone else. People’s mind works like the computer’s memory. You can imagine it is divided into small memory slots that have room for only one bit of information.When a computer’s slot is already occupied, […]
How to avoid the same tragic fate of Pippin
The Science of Positioning, as Al Ries intends it and as I have learnt it from him, seems an abstract art and far from what the world of Game Developers is. For instance, let’s take a company that wants to develop a first-person shooter. How important is Positioning for them? How they will benefit from […]
I made a really cool game, but nobody wants to download it. Why?
“I made a really cool game, but nobody wants to download it. Why?” How many times have you heard these words? How many times have you said these words yourself, perhaps pouring out to your best friend after checking the sales of your game on Steam? And who you blame in the 99% of the […]
How to replicate the success of Cuphead
What happens if you take a classic Run and Gun game and merge it with the design of American 1930s cartoons? It is the same question that the Canadian brothers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer asked themselves. The answer was Cuphead, the brilliant video game released in 2017 that sold over one million copies worldwide in […]
Many Things in the Video Game Industry don’t make sense
The typical marketing error of a “game design-centric” video game company is always the same: A group of people, who often come from the design or financial department, examine the moves of the competition. They discover that competitors have launched a video game with a new mechanic. Therefore, they think there are niches or categories […]